Table of Contents
After getting a Bachelor’s in Information Technology degree in 2019, I worked in the industry as a Data Scientist for 3 years.
My journey in the Data Science field began out of curiosity for terms like neural networks and machine intelligence. I learned DS through a combination of undergrad courses, MOOCs and technical texts.
While starting in the field of Data Science, I received tremendous help from books, MOOCs, and most importantly, articles written by people at all levels of skills. The community has given me immensely and this website is my way of giving back to the community.
Here, I will share notes capturing information that I pen down during my learning journey, which will include fundamentals of linear algebra, calculus, probability, statistics and other concepts of mathematics. These are things that might help beginners entering the field, or serve as a refresher for people already in the know.
I truly believe in the maxim ग्यान्मेव शक्ति or Knowledge is Power. To seek out true knowledge, one needs curiosity, not necessity. Having a wider variety of knowledge and being open to learn new things enables one to develop mental models. This helps internalize concepts at a more intuitive level.
On the professional side, my curiosity motivates me to learn the business aspects of a problem so I can emphasize the business value of the proposed solution.
On a personal level, I’m a genre-agnostic reader and I actively seek out new experiences.
Everyone has a story to tell. These could be based on real experiences, or conjured from the limitless human imagination. At the heart of it, stories give a mode for us to relay our knowledge and consequently relate with one another.
Storytelling is one of the most important tools in a Data Scientist’s toolkit. We regularly this skill to communicate our results to stakeholders both on the technical and the business side.
I played video games and solved Sudokus as a child. I solved puzzles for fun!
I pursued computer programming as an undergrad student. I solved puzzles for the process!
As a Data Scientist, I solve puzzles for clients!
All processes around us, ranging from the simple act of delivering groceries to the complex task of space travel, can be re-imagined as a multi-level puzzle. We are constantly working towards finding the keys to solving such puzzles. Data Science has proved itself to be one such key, an indispensable tool that has shown its effectiveness in all areas across the spectrum. Keeping this in mind, my goal is to make use of this metaphorical Swiss Knife to positively affect the lives of as many people as possible.